What is Appropriate Body?
Appropriate body (AB) is completely separate from the Early Career Framework (ECF), it is a quality assurance role within the induction process of the Early Career Teacher (ECT). The ECF is a 2-year professional development programme, fully funded by the DfE. Early Career Teachers need to be signed up for ECF and AB.

Why choose us?
We are an experienced Appropriate Body, supporting over 100 Early Career Teachers annually. Our AB team has extensive leadership, mentoring and CPD experience across a range of schools and phases. We have a clear understanding of the needs of ECTs, mentors, and induction tutors, and have been involved in the development and delivery of the ECF.
To reduce the pressures faced by mentors and induction tutors, we have invested in an online portal to manage the paperwork and progress of ECTs.
Can we provide the Early Career Framework and Appropriate Body services?
Yes, in most circumstances, we can supply both services. We can supply your ECF services along with a separate Appropriate Body. If you are with another ECF provider, you can still contract us to supply Appropriate Body services.
ECTs for Appropriate Body
If you are a new school to us, register your Early Career Teacher for Appropriate Body services with Three Rivers Teaching School Hub by adding your school to our ECT Manager portal:
Add your school to ECT ManagerIf your school is already registered with us for Appropriate Body, access your ECT Manager portal here:
Log in to your ECT Manager
The costs
If you have signed up for Appropriate Body for the Full Induction Programme, we can provide our AB services for £225 per ECT year.
If you have signed up to another ECF provider, we can provide our AB services for £225 per year.
What does our standard Appropriate Body offer include?
- 2 year induction support in line with March 2021 statutory DfE AB Guidance
- Streamlined, manageable online processes from registration of ECTs and pre-induction checks through to submission of reviews and reports
- Registration of your ECT via The Teacher Regulation Agency
- Fair and regular assessments of ECT’s through the monitoring of progress reviews (term 1,2,4 and 5) and formal assessment points at the end of term 3 and 6
- Moderation of assessment reports
- Additional support for ECTs not meeting Teacher/Induction Standards
- Induction training for headteacher (or induction tutor), mentor and ECT
- Centralised point of contact for all schools and ECTs and dedicated helpline for support throughout the year
- Induction handbook provided to support the school and mentors
- Quality assurance visits to schools
- Half termly ECT newsletters
- Additional support as requested by schools
- Evaluation and feedback to inform AB service provision
We also offer a Core Induction and School Based Induction package for any school interested in developing their own Framework. The DfE is keen for all schools to follow a full induction programme. If you wish to follow your own Early Career Framework programme, additional fidelity checks will be required.
Our Appropriate Body Offer
Register your interest
Fill in the form below to register your interest in our Appropriate Body offer and we will get back in touch with further information.