Interested in ITT information for your school?

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  1. Information about ITT

    As your regional Teaching School Hub, we play a strategic role in helping to coordinate and support Initial Teacher Training (ITT) across Newcastle, North Tyneside, and Northumberland. Our aim is to establish strong school engagement in ITT by providing accurate information, linking schools with providers or trainees, and supporting recruitment efforts. Additionally, we help address any misinformation surrounding ITT, ensuring that schools have the knowledge and resources they need to participate effectively in teacher training.

    From September 2024, significant reforms have been introduced to improve the quality and consistency of ITT provision nationwide. These reforms aim to ensure that all ITT providers are adhering to a high standard of training, guided by the ITT Core Content Framework (CCF).

    National Context and Recruitment Challenges

    On a national scale, the education sector continues to face challenges with teacher recruitment. Many ITT courses struggle to meet their recruitment targets, especially in subjects such as maths, physics, and modern languages. This shortage has made it more crucial than ever for schools to engage in ITT and provide high-quality placements for trainee teachers.

    By offering placements, schools not only contribute to the training and development of future teachers but also help address the national recruitment shortfall. Trainees placed in your school may become permanent staff members, easing the pressure on recruitment and ensuring a steady pipeline of well-trained educators.

    Key Changes to ITT from September 2024

    As part of the reforms, the Department for Education (DfE) has introduced several new quality requirements for ITT, including:

    • Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP): This new component provides focused, hands-on training for all trainees.

    • Mentoring: Each trainee will receive at least 1.5 hours of mentor support per week. Mentors must also complete 20 hours of initial training, followed by 6 hours of refresher training in future years. This training is funded to ease the burden on schools.

    • Increased Role of Teaching School Hubs: Hubs now have a more strategic role in supporting ITT, ensuring that schools across their region can engage effectively in the training process.

    Mentoring and Support for Schools

    To reduce the workload on schools, we are collaborating with local ITT providers to offer a unified mentoring programme. This will include:

    • Standardised training across all providers, so schools working with multiple providers don’t need to duplicate efforts.

    • Flexible training schedules, with a mix of online and in-person options.

    • Recognition of previous mentoring experience to count towards training hours.

    Data Collection and ITT Engagement

    As part of our role, we are required to collect data on school engagement with ITT. This information helps the DfE understand the ITT landscape and allows us to better support schools and providers. Schools interested in ITT but not yet involved can contact us for support.

    This data is critical to ensure sufficient capacity for trainee placements across the region. By engaging with ITT, schools help secure the future of the teaching profession, benefiting both the wider education system and their own recruitment needs.

    Why Schools Should Engage with ITT

    School involvement in ITT is essential to the success of teacher training. Schools provide the crucial classroom experience that trainee teachers need to develop. There are many benefits to taking on trainees, including:

    • Professional Development: Mentoring helps to develop staff professionally.

    • Access to Research and Innovation: Schools working with ITT providers gain access to the latest research and innovative practices.

    • Trainee Talent Pool: Schools have the opportunity to work with talented trainees who may be a good fit for future vacancies.

    Further Information

    More detailed guidance on these reforms and how they impact schools can be found in the DfE’s official documentation, which has been adapted by us for the local context. If you have any questions or need support in engaging with ITT, please get in touch with the Three Rivers Teaching School Hub team.

  2. ITT in our region - providers and mentoring

    As the regional Teaching School Hub for Newcastle, North Tyneside, and Northumberland, we have been tasked with playing a strategic role in supporting Initial Teacher Training (ITT) across our area. Following the national review of ITT, a set of reforms have been implemented from September 2024. Our aim is to collaborate with local providers to ensure the continuation of high-quality teacher training programmes in line with these national guidelines.

    In addition to our own Northumberland Teacher Training programme, we work closely with a range of local ITT providers to offer a variety of routes into teaching. From September 2024, the following accredited providers will deliver ITT in our region:

    • Newcastle University

    • Northumbria University

    • Sacred Heart SCITT

    • North Tyneside SCITT

    The North East Partnership SCITT will also continue to offer PE training under a different accreditation. Alongside these local options, several national ITT providers also partner with schools across our region.

    While some routes, like ‘School Direct’, will be phased out due to the reforms, many providers are introducing rebranded programmes that allow schools to continue playing a central role in teacher training.

    If your school currently partners with an ITT provider and you're unsure about any changes, please get in touch for further clarification. As a Teaching School Hub, we are committed to working alongside local providers to ensure that ITT in our region remains robust and supportive of schools’ needs.

    Here, you'll find more details on the accredited local providers in Newcastle, North Tyneside, and Northumberland.

  3. Getting involved with ITT

    The Teaching School Hub’s Role in ITT

    As the designated Teaching School Hub for Newcastle, North Tyneside, and Northumberland, we play a key role in supporting and coordinating Initial Teacher Training (ITT) across the region. Our goal is to promote school engagement in ITT by offering guidance, linking schools with accredited providers and trainees, supporting recruitment efforts, and combating any misinformation. We ensure schools have the necessary resources and opportunities to get involved in teacher training and benefit from the expertise it brings.

    If your school is not currently involved in ITT but would like to be, we offer a range of ways to get involved, including trainee placements, mentor training, and professional development opportunities. We are also looking for schools to join our Northumberland Teacher Training primary partnership, offering tailored support for trainee teachers and contributing to the professional growth of your staff.

    Why We Need Local Schools to Engage in ITT

    Teacher training cannot take place without school placements. Schools play a vital role in training the next generation of teachers, who will in turn help to address recruitment needs in the profession. By providing placements, schools ensure the flow of new, well-prepared teachers into the workforce. This support also reinforces a school’s commitment to fostering educational excellence in the region.

    Benefits to Local Schools

    Involvement in ITT offers a range of benefits to schools and staff, including:

    • Professional development: Teachers who mentor trainees gain mentoring experience and further enhance their leadership skills.

    • Access to innovation: Schools gain exposure to the latest research, teaching methods, and educational best practices.

    • Networking: Schools are supported by ITT providers and their wider networks, which can offer additional resources and insight.

    • Talent pipeline: Schools have the opportunity to work with skilled trainee teachers, who may be a great fit for future vacancies.

    Benefits to the Region, Education, and Pupils

    By actively engaging in ITT, schools help ensure that highly trained and well-prepared teachers enter the profession, benefitting not just individual schools but the entire educational landscape. The result is more well-rounded, capable teachers who can have a positive impact on pupil outcomes and foster a stronger educational system across the region. In turn, this helps secure a stable future workforce and offers students the highest quality education.

    How to Get Involved in ITT

    The Department for Education (DfE) accredits a range of organisations to deliver both primary and secondary Initial Teacher Training (ITT), including higher education institutions (HEIs), charities, and school-based providers. If your school is interested in offering ITT placements for trainee teachers, you must partner with an accredited ITT provider. Contact the Three Rivers Teaching School Hub for advice on offering placements and connecting with local providers.

    If your school already offers ITT placements, it’s essential to ensure your current provider is part of a partnership accredited to deliver teacher training from September 2024. If they are not, we can help you find a local, accredited ITT provider.

    We provide a variety of information to support schools, including:

    • The different ways to get involved in ITT

    • Details of accredited ITT providers in your area

    • Updates on new ITT reforms, including changes due in September 2024 and what this means for your school

    • Information on the new Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP) opportunities for trainees

    For more detailed guidance on offering a trainee teacher placement, please visit the DfE website.

    If you have any questions or for more information on how to get involved, or to explore placement and professional development opportunities, contact us directly at the Three Rivers Teaching School Hub.

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