News| June 25th 2021

Introducing the Early Career Teachers Programme 2021-22

More than just a change of name from NQT to ECT, there is a whole new framework, aptly named the Early Career Framework, developed to provide more support to new teachers.

What is the Early Career Framework

With retention an issue across the education sector, investment in teachers’ development has never been more important. The Early Career Framework (ECF) is a government-funded entitlement to a well-structured two-year support package of high professional development.

The Introduction of the Early Career Framework is fundamental for our new teachers entering the profession. It is vital therefore that all schools support their Early Career Teachers and provide a training programme that will support them through their two probationary years.

The Three Rivers Teaching School Hub is excited to be working with Ambition as our lead provider for the Early Career Teachers Programme.

Having been involved in the early rollout of the ECF we have already received positive feedback about the programme. We are now in the stages of finalising the plans for 2021-22. As a Hub we have been keen to listen to what this year’s cohort have said and we have formed a strategic steering group to work on making changes with Ambition, to ensure Early Career Teachers on our programme will get the most out of their training.

Mentors are at the heart of the Early Career Framework, and we will be delivering induction conferences to mentors and induction coordinators throughout July and September. We are currently training visiting fellows to deliver the conferences and clinics across the three regions to our Early Career Teachers next year.

If you would like to learn more about our Early Career Framework, or to express an interest, please click here

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